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PROSIDING SEMINAR INTERNASIONAL UNTAG SEMARANG ( The Development of Economic and Social Law in an Education Atmosphere Towards a Social Revolution )

 Author: Sabda Wahab, S.Farm., MH. .. [et al.]  Category: Hukum / Politik  Publisher: UNTAG PRESS  Published: February 1, 2023  ISBN: 978-623-88428-5-8  Pages: 132  Country: Indonesia  Language: English

Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Social Sciences, Economics, with the topic: The Development of Economic and Social Law in an Educational Atmosphere Towards a Social Revolution 5.0.
This book contains the proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, on September 24, 2022 in Indonesia. This conference was held in collaboration between those organized by: Students of Batch XII and the Law Study Program of the Doctoral Program of the University of 17 August (UNTAG) Semarang, Indonesia. The papers from the conference are collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of The International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, 2022. The presentation of such a conference covering multi-disciplines will contribute a lot of inspiring input and new knowledge about current trends in the field of Law, Social Sciences, Economics. As such, it will contribute to the next generation of young researchers to produce innovative research findings. It is hoped that scientific attitudes and skills through research will encourage the development of knowledge produced through research from various scholars in various regions. Finally, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the colleagues of the steering committee for their cooperation in managing and organizing the conference. Hopefully, these seminars and conferences can continue in the coming years with more insightful articles from inspiring research. We would also like to thank the invited speakers for their invaluable contributions and for sharing their vision in their talks. We look forward to seeing you again at the next international conference.